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HR Management Tools

DevAssure provides the ease of automating the complex use cases around HRM tools.

For this example, a demo website will be used.

Conisder a scenario for automating submitting a claim request. A claim form can have multiple use cases based on different test data. Also there could be validations that need to be done on the UI and at the backend.

Here is a consolidated set of things that are required to build the automation -

  1. Test Data set up.
  2. Ability to create functions for repeated steps.
  3. Abiility to create dynamic locators.
  4. Ability to validate the data on the UI.
  5. Abililty to connect to database and validate the data.

DevAssure offers an easy way to perform all of these actions seamlessly.

Test Data set up

Create different types of data sets for submitting a claim

Test data for submitting a claim

Ability to create functions for repeated steps

More details on creating functions is available here.

Functions for HRM tool

Abiility to create dynamic locators

HRM - Dynamic Locators

Ability to validate the data on the UI

HRM Validation 5

HRM Validation 4

HRM Validation 3

HRM Validation 2

HRM Validation 1

Abililty to connect to database and validate the data

Create a Database configuration

Create Database Queries

Invoke a Query

Database Actions